Welcome to a shoot out. I've had the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge for a few days now, and the first thing I did was do a shoot out compared to my 1 year old LG G4. The results and samples are published below. Many people say that the S7E I have was defective, so I got a second, which had the exact same results. I will not be talking about speed, battery life, or UI - this is purely from a camera perspective. Another post to be coming soon with my opinion about the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge.
Disclaimer & Information. The LG G4 has 16mpx camera, and the S7E has a 12mpx camera, but I tried to zoom out of the larger G4 camera to have approx. the same size for these first few shots. All shots were done with auto-mode. Also, neither Samsung nor LG sponsor me, pay me, or encourage me to do these tests. I did these of my own volition. I paid for both of these devices with my own hard earned money. Therefore, I can guarantee that no company has paid for any of these opinions.
Outdoor shots are first:
This image details that the G4 has much better color representation... I can confirm that the LG G4 does do a much better job at showing the correct colors, these were most true to life and vivid. Those blues in the graffiti and walls are the correct colors. It seems as if Samsung just washed them out or that the auto mode is just too bright to begin with. Either way, its white balance metering is not too great.
While sitting down I decided to take a picture of my shoe. Again, not realistically captured in the S7E image, but not only that, the details are missing from the image. All you need to do is look at the button to the right of shoe shoe. The LG G4 offers a better focused, more detailed and incredibly crisp image.
LG G4 crop:
Galaxy S7 Edge crop: Colors here are washed out, colors are off. Details, once again, are missing. It's as if the sky was splashed with a hint of gray along with the blue. That gray paint also got lowered into the structure as well.
Night time pictures are SUPERB on the S7E, I assume this is due to the f1.7 aperture vs the f1.8 on the G4. The G4 was set to 30 seconds, and the S7E to 10 (their respective max's). S7E produces a much more beautiful image. Colors here are actually very good for a nighttime shot.
The sky was much bluer in the G4, which was the actual blue color - and trees were made a strange green on the S7E.
Let's do some macro and closeup shots!
At 100% zoom, you can see that the details on the G4 are crisper than those on of the S7E, but not by much, but the S7E image is fuzzier without a doubt. Colors are also correct on the G4, once again. I'm beginning to see a pattern here.
Glass bird: (please ignore my dirty desk)
S7E wins in this case. I even tried to retake the G4 shots just to see if I had taken the picture incorrectly, and sadly, this was the best I could do. Without a doubt the S7E focuses better, faster, and takes better macro shots! Details are crisp and clear in macros.
Solar Maikos:
Once again, the S7E wins - focuses fast and correctly, whereas the G4 didn't do so well.
Generally speaking, the S7E does better with macro shots and low l. The G4 does better with indoor and outdoor shots. S7E Wins in:
- Low light images (night time images)
- Macro shots
- Speed to shoot
- Focus speed
LG G4 wins in:
- General over all quality of images
- Clarity in outdoor images along with indoor images as well
- Color reproduction
- White balance in most situations
- Time lapse (up to 30 seconds vs the 10 seconds on the S7 Edge)
Night mode the S7E destroys the G4 with its better 1.7 aperture.
I hope you all have enjoyed this shootout!
I can't wait to get the G5 in the next week or so to be able to compare G4 and G5, and also G5 and S7E.
I think for the money, the G4 is your best bet. It's around 330 euros on Amazon and the Galaxy S7 Edge is around 800 euros. If the camera is the most important feature for quality, then the G4 is your best bet. The S7E takes very fast images and very good low light images. The S7E seems to be more of a status symbol and a feat of awesome build quality and long battery life, but its shooter isn't one of its highlights, sadly, when compared to the LG G4 in terms of quality. That doesn't mean the S7E isn't a good phone, on the contrary - it is a FANTASTIC phone. I enjoy it very much! I just think that it doesn't outdo what the G4 can do except for in a very few specific fields.